What do I get for 1 GB?

All of our conversion features track the size of the input file and the size of the output file and count them towards your usage.

If you convert a 0.8 MB image and the resulting image is 0.2 MB - that is 1 MB together. When you repeat this 1024 times, you will have used 1 GB. If you also converted a 0.8 MB video into a 0.2 MB one and did this 1024 times, that would be another GB.

The Startup Plan, for example, includes 30 GB for the price of $49. That means you could do over 30720 of such image and video conversions per month for just $49.

If you need to do more conversions in a certain month, then you do not need to upgrade your plan right away. Instead, you will just pay a small premium in that particular month.

See also:

What if my users upload video files even though I only use image resizing? Can I use the Community plan for more than one month? Will there ever be an encoding queue?