Track server Notifications with new API feature

We are pleased to announce a new feature that will help you keep better track of server Notifications.
We have added a list that shows Notifications from all your Assemblies in chronological order, starting with the latest. This makes it easier to keep track of those Assemblies that have completed successfully, but were somehow unable to send the Notification – perhaps because your service was down. In these cases, you can replay the Notification without replaying the entire Assembly, saving you both time and money.
The Notification list features response code, creation time, duration, and assembly_id. Clicking it will take you to the Assembly detail page, where you can also see the Notification's response body (i.e. what you replied to Transloadit when the Notification was sent).
You can filter the list by status and assembly_id. You will be able to find all of this in a new item called "Assembly Notifications" in the account sidebar, when you are logged in.
We have also added an API endpoint for this, so that you can keep track of failed Notifications programmatically. For more information about this, please take a look at the docs.