Free Transloadit Startup Plan for GitHub students

We are happy to announce that we are partnering with GitHub Education to offer our Startup Plan, worth $49/month, for free to students enrolled in the GitHub Student Developer Pack. The plan contains 10GB of encoding credit and access to our fleet of 39 Robots. Each Robot can handle one specific file conversion type, like image resizing, video transcoding or audio watermarking, and can be of great help to students in developing their projects.
10GB is enough for approximately 7,000 image conversions or 70 video conversions!

What is Transloadit and how can it help me?
Transloadit is the world's most advanced uploading and processing service aimed at developers — and tech students! Our API can be integrated to handle file uploads, crop and watermark images, make GIFs, extract thumbnails, generate audio waveforms, process documents, and much more.
A lot of our work is based on open source software, created by amazing developers from around the world. We strongly believe in giving back to the community. That is why our major technologies, such as the resumable file uploading protocol, tus, and the sleek file uploader Uppy, are open source and available to everyone for free. We want to extend our mission and empower students.
Some examples of how Transloadit can be used in your projects:
- Let your AI lab robot take photos and have Transloadit put together a collage.
- Take pictures of your biology experiment and use Transloadit to turn them into a timelapse video or animated GIF.
- Build a chat app or podcast-recording service for your Bachelor thesis. Add face detection or audio/video in a clever way.
- Create video slideshows from PDFs adding a voiceover, to make study materials more engaging for your classmates.
- Build a basic private YouTube clone for your class.
Focus on the subject of your studies or side-project, create workflows to import files, process them in a variety of ways and export the results to a destination of your choosing. Let Transloadit worry about all file automation and accelerate your project!
Transloadit also integrates seamlessly with Zapier, allowing you to combine our versatile Robots with any 3rd party service: record a video with your drone, process it with Transloadit, then send it your group via Slack or Gmail. Monitor your Twitter feed for a keyword, then follow a link to an article, take a screenshot of the webpage with Transloadit, and save it to a shared Dropbox folder. You get the idea 😄
How do I join?
Here’s how you get your Transloadit student account:
- If you are a student, apply for the GitHub Student Developer Pack. Besides Transloadit, there are great offers from Travis CI, DigitalOcean, Stripe, Heroku, Namecheap and others. Combining these tools allows you to build great projects without spending money.
- Once your application is approved, find our offer in the Pack or use the "Login via GitHub" button on our GitHub Students Landing Page and get started with our Startup Plan completely for free.
Update for teachers
In May 2020, we also launched the GitHub Teacher Toolbox Landing Page 🎉