How do I set up a Dropbox app?

1. Sign up for a Dropbox Account

To use Dropbox app, you will first need a Dropbox account. To sign up, go to the Dropbox web page and create your account.

2. Create an app

Go to the Dropbox app console. If you haven’t already, create an app.

  • Press the Create app button
  • Select the Scoped access API
  • Select the type of access you need
  • Enter a name. The name can be changed later
  • Click the Create app button

The Dropbox app is will now be created, and you will be redirected to the app settings page.

3. Configure permissions

Within the Dropbox app info, click the permissions tab.

In the Files and folders section, check the following scopes:

  • files.content.write

If you want to use the robot’s create_sharing_link parameter, then also check the sharing.write scope under the Collaboration section.

4. Allow our redirect

Please allow list under Oauth 2 - Redirect URIs on your Dropbox app settings page

5. Create credentials in Transloadit

  • In a new tab, navigate to the credentials page of your Transloadit workspace
  • Click Add new Credential
  • Select the Dropbox service
  • Enter a name. The name can be changed later
  • In Dropbox App key enter the app key found in the Dropbox settings
  • In Dropbox App secret enter the app secret found in the Dropbox settings

See also:

How do I enable multi-file upload? MD5 is not a secure hashing algorithm, why are you using it? What formats and codecs does Transloadit support?