Our /image/resize Robot

Convert, resize, or watermark images

πŸ€–/image/resize resizes, crops, changes colorization, rotation, and applies text and watermarks to images.

Usage example

Resize uploaded images to a width of 200px while keeping their original aspect ratio:

  "steps": {
    "resized": {
      "robot": "/image/resize",
      "use": ":original",
      "width": "200",
      "imagemagick_stack": "v3.0.1"


  • use

    String / Array of Strings / Object required

    Specifies which Step(s) to use as input.

    • You can pick any names for Steps except ":original" (reserved for user uploads handled by Transloadit)

    • You can provide several Steps as input with arrays:

      "use": [

    πŸ’‘ That’s likely all you need to know about use, but you can view Advanced use cases.

  • output_meta

    Object / Boolean β‹… default: {}

    Allows you to specify a set of metadata that is more expensive on CPU power to calculate, and thus is disabled by default to keep your Assemblies processing fast.

    For images, you can add "has_transparency": true in this object to extract if the image contains transparent parts and "dominant_colors": true to extract an array of hexadecimal color codes from the image.

    For videos, you can add the "colorspace: true" parameter to extract the colorspace of the output video.

    For audio, you can add "mean_volume": true to get a single value representing the mean average volume of the audio file.

    You can also set this to false to skip metadata extraction and speed up transcoding.

  • format

    String β‹… default: null

    The output format for the modified image.

    Some of the most important available formats are "jpg", "png", "gif", and "tiff". For a complete lists of all formats that we can write to please check our supported image formats list.

    If null (default), then the input image's format will be used as the output format.

    If you wish to convert to "pdf", please consider πŸ€–/document/convert instead.

  • width

    Integer(1-5000) β‹… default: auto [?]

    Width of the new image, in pixels. If not specified, will default to the width of the input image.

  • height

    Integer(1-5000) β‹… default: auto [?]

    Height of the new image, in pixels. If not specified, will default to the height of the input image.

  • resize_strategy

    String β‹… default: "fit"

    See the list of available resize strategies.

  • zoom

    Boolean β‹… default: true

    If this is set to false, smaller images will not be stretched to the desired width and height. For details about the impact of zooming for your preferred resize strategy, see the list of available resize strategies.

  • crop

    Object / JSON String β‹… default: null

    Specify an object containing coordinates for the top left and bottom right corners of the rectangle to be cropped from the original image(s). The coordinate system is rooted in the top left corner of the image. Values can be integers for absolute pixel values or strings for percentage based values.

    For example:

      "x1": 80,
      "y1": 100,
      "x2": "60%",
      "y2": "80%"

    This will crop the area from (80, 100) to (600, 800) from a 1000Γ—1000 pixels image, which is a square whose width is 520px and height is 700px. If crop is set, the width and height parameters are ignored, and the resize_strategy is set to crop automatically.

    You can also use a JSON string of such an object with coordinates in similar fashion:

    "{\"x1\": <Integer>, \"y1\": <Integer>, \"x2\": <Integer>, \"y2\": <Integer>}"

    To crop around human faces, see πŸ€–/image/facedetect.

  • gravity

    String β‹… default: "center"

    The direction from which the image is to be cropped, when "resize_strategy" is set to "crop", but no crop coordinates are defined. The available options are "center", "top", "bottom", "left", and "right". You can also combine options with a hyphen, such as "bottom-right".

  • strip

    Boolean β‹… default: false

    Strips all metadata from the image. This is useful to keep thumbnails as small as possible.

  • alpha


    Gives control of the alpha/matte channel of an image. Valid options are "Activate", "Background", "Copy", "Deactivate", "Extract", "Off", "On", "Opaque", "Remove", "Set", "Shape", "Transparent".

  • preclip_alpha


    Gives control of the alpha/matte channel of an image before applying the clipping path via clip: true. Valid options are "Activate", "Background", "Copy", "Deactivate", "Extract", "Off", "On", "Opaque", "Remove", "Set", "Shape", "Transparent".

  • flatten

    Boolean β‹… default: true

    Flattens all layers onto the specified background to achieve better results from transparent formats to non-transparent formats, as explained in the ImageMagick documentation.

    To preserve animations, GIF files are not flattened when this is set to true. To flatten GIF animations, use the frame parameter.

  • correct_gamma

    Boolean β‹… default: false
  • quality

    Integer(1-100) β‹… default: auto [?]

    Controls the image compression for JPG and PNG images. Please also take a look at πŸ€–/image/optimize.
    Original image
    Quality 92 applied:
    Image with quality 92

    Quality 40 applied:
    Image with quality 40

    If this parameter is not specified, it will default to the quality of the input image. If we're unable to determine the quality, it will default to 92.

  • adaptive_filtering

    Boolean β‹… default: false

    Controls the image compression for PNG images. Setting to true results in smaller file size, while increasing processing time. It is encouraged to keep this option disabled.

  • background

    String β‹… default: "#FFFFFF"

    Either the hexadecimal code or name of the color used to fill the background (only used for the pad resize strategy).

    By default, the background of transparent images is changed to white. For details about how to preserve transparency across all image types, see this demo.

  • frame

    Integer / Null β‹… default: null

    Use this parameter when dealing with animated GIF files to specify which frame of the GIF is used for the operation. Specify 1 to use the first frame, 2 to use the second, and so on. null means all frames.

  • colorspace


    Sets the image colorspace. For details about the available values, see the ImageMagick documentation. Please note that if you were using "RGB", we recommend using "sRGB" instead as of 2014-02-04. ImageMagick might try to find the most efficient colorspace based on the color of an image, and default to e.g. "Gray". To force colors, you might have to use this parameter in combination with type: "TrueColor".

  • type

    String β‹… default: ""

    Sets the image color type. For details about the available values, see the ImageMagick documentation. If you're using colorspace, ImageMagick might try to find the most efficient based on the color of an image, and default to e.g. "Gray". To force colors, you could e.g. set this parameter to "TrueColor"

  • sepia

    Integer(0-99) / Null β‹… default: null

    Applies a sepia tone effect in percent.

  • rotation

    Integer / Boolean β‹… default: true

    Determines whether the image should be rotated. Use integers to specify the rotation for each quarter revolution(90, 180, 270, 360). Use the value true to auto-rotate images that are rotated incorrectly or depend on EXIF rotation settings. Otherwise, use false to disable auto-fixing altogether.

  • compress

    String / Null β‹… default: null

    Specifies pixel compression for when the image is written. Valid values are "None", "BZip", "Fax", "Group4", "JPEG", "JPEG2000", "Lossless", "LZW", "RLE", and "Zip". Compression is disabled by default.

    Please also take a look at πŸ€–/image/optimize.

  • blur

    String / Null β‹… default: null

    Specifies gaussian blur, using a value with the form {radius}x{sigma}. The radius value specifies the size of area the operator should look at when spreading pixels, and should typically be either "0" or at least two times the sigma value. The sigma value is an approximation of how many pixels the image is "spread"; think of it as the size of the brush used to blur the image. This number is a floating point value, enabling small values like "0.5" to be used.

  • blur_regions

    Array of Objects β‹… default: null

    Specifies an array of ellipse objects that should be blurred on the image. Each object has the following keys: x, y, width, height. If blur_regions has a value, then the blur parameter is used as the strength of the blur for each region.

  • brightness

    Integer β‹… default: 1

    Increases or decreases the brightness of the image by using a multiplier. For example 1.5 would increase the brightness by 50%, and 0.75 would decrease the brightness by 25%.

  • saturation

    Integer β‹… default: 1

    Increases or decreases the saturation of the image by using a multiplier. For example 1.5 would increase the saturation by 50%, and 0.75 would decrease the saturation by 25%.

  • hue

    Integer β‹… default: 100

    Changes the hue by rotating the color of the image. The value 100 would produce no change whereas 0 and 200 will negate the colors in the image.

  • progressive

    Boolean β‹… default: false

    Interlaces the image if set to true, which makes the image load progressively in browsers. Instead of rendering the image from top to bottom, the browser will first show a low-res blurry version of the images which is then quickly replaced with the actual image as the data arrives. This greatly increases the user experience, but comes at a cost of a file size increase by around 10%.

  • transparent

    String β‹… default: ""

    Make this color transparent within the image. Formats which support this parameter include "GIF", "PNG", "BMP", "TIFF", "WebP", and "JP2".

  • trim_whitespace

    Boolean β‹… default: false

    This determines if additional whitespace around the image should first be trimmed away. If you set this to true this parameter removes any edges that are exactly the same color as the corner pixels.

  • clip

    Boolean / String β‹… default: false

    Apply the clipping path to other operations in the resize job, if one is present. If set to true, it will automatically take the first clipping path. If set to a String it finds a clipping path by that name.

  • negate

    Boolean β‹… default: false

    Replace each pixel with its complementary color, effectively negating the image. Especially useful when testing clipping.

  • density

    String β‹… default: null

    While in-memory quality and file format depth specifies the color resolution, the density of an image is the spatial (space) resolution of the image. That is the density (in pixels per inch) of an image and defines how far apart (or how big) the individual pixels are. It defines the size of the image in real world terms when displayed on devices or printed.

    You can set this value to a specific width or in the format widthxheight.

    If your converted image is unsharp, please try increasing density.

ImageMagick parameters

  • imagemagick_stack

    String β‹… default: "v2.0.10"

    Selects the ImageMagick stack version to use for encoding. These versions do not reflect any real ImageMagick versions, they reflect our own internal (non-semantic) versioning for our custom ImageMagick builds. We currently recommend to use "v3.0.1".

    Supported values: "v2.0.10", "v3.0.1".

    A full comparison of supported formats, per stack, can be found here.

Text overlay parameters

  • text

    Array of Objects β‹… default: []

    An array of objects each containing text rules. The following text parameters are intended to be used as properties for your array of text overlays. Here is an example:

    "watermarked": {
      "use": "resized",
      "robot": "/image/resize",
      "imagemagick_stack": "v3.0.1",
      "text": [
          "text": "Β© 2018 Transloadit.com",
          "size": 12,
          "font": "Ubuntu",
          "color": "#eeeeee",
          "valign": "bottom",
          "align": "right",
          "x_offset": 16,
          "y_offset": -10

    Original image

    Image with text overlay

  • text.*.font

    String β‹… default: "Arial"

    The font family to use. Also includes boldness and style of the font.

    Here is a list of all supported fonts.

  • text.*.size

    Integer β‹… default: 12

    The text size in pixels.

  • text.*.rotate

    Integer β‹… default: 0

    The rotation angle in degrees.

  • text.*.color

    String β‹… default: "#000000"

    The text color. All hex colors in the form "#xxxxxx" are supported, where each x can be 0-9 or a-f. "transparent" is also supported if you want a transparent text color. In that case use "stroke" instead, otherwise your text will not be visible.

  • text.*.background_color

    String β‹… default: "transparent"

    The text color. All hex colors in the form "#xxxxxx" are supported, where each x is can be 0-9 or a-f. "transparent" is also supported.

  • text.*.stroke_width

    Integer β‹… default: 0

    The stroke's width in pixels.

  • text.*.stroke_color

    String β‹… default: "transparent"

    The stroke's color. All hex colors in the form "#xxxxxx" are supported, where each x is can be 0-9 or a-f. "transparent" is also supported.

  • text.*.align

    String β‹… default: "center"

    The horizontal text alignment. Can be "left", "center" and "right".

  • text.*.valign

    String β‹… default: "center"

    The vertical text alignment. Can be "top", "center" and "bottom".

  • text.*.x_offset

    Integer β‹… default: 0

    The horizontal offset for the text in pixels that is added (positive integer) or removed (negative integer) from the horizontal alignment.

  • text.*.y_offset

    Integer β‹… default: 0

    The vertical offset for the text in pixels that is added (positive integer) or removed (negative integer) from the vertical alignment.

Watermarking parameters

  • watermark_url

    String β‹… default: ""

    A URL indicating a PNG image to be overlaid above this image. Please note that you can also supply the watermark via another Assembly Step. With watermarking you can add an image onto another image. This is usually used for logos.

    Original image

    Image with the watermark

  • watermark_position

    String / Array of Strings β‹… default: "center"

    The position at which the watermark is placed. The available options are "center", "top", "bottom", "left", and "right". You can also combine options, such as "bottom-right".

    An array of possible values can also be specified, in which case one value will be selected at random, such as [ "center", "left", "bottom-left", "bottom-right" ].

    This setting puts the watermark in the specified corner. To use a specific pixel offset for the watermark, you will need to add the padding to the image itself.

  • watermark_x_offset

    Integer β‹… default: 0

    The x-offset in number of pixels at which the watermark will be placed in relation to the position it has due to watermark_position.

    Values can be both positive and negative and yield different results depending on the watermark_position parameter. Positive values move the watermark closer to the image's center point, whereas negative values move the watermark further away from the image's center point.

  • watermark_y_offset

    Integer β‹… default: 0

    The y-offset in number of pixels at which the watermark will be placed in relation to the position it has due to watermark_position.

    Values can be both positive and negative and yield different results depending on the watermark_position parameter. Positive values move the watermark closer to the image's center point, whereas negative values move the watermark further away from the image's center point.

  • watermark_size

    String β‹… default: ""

    The size of the watermark, as a percentage.

    For example, a value of "50%" means that size of the watermark will be 50% of the size of image on which it is placed. The exact sizing depends on watermark_resize_strategy, too.

  • watermark_resize_strategy

    String β‹… default: "fit"

    Available values are "fit", "min_fit", "stretch" and "area".

    To explain how the resize strategies work, let's assume our target image size is 800Γ—800 pixels and our watermark image is 400Γ—300 pixels. Let's also assume, the watermark_size parameter is set to "25%".

    For the "fit" resize strategy, the watermark is scaled so that the longer side of the watermark takes up 25% of the corresponding image side. And the other side is scaled according to the aspect ratio of the watermark image. So with our watermark, the width is the longer side, and 25% of the image size would be 200px. Hence, the watermark would be resized to 200Γ—150 pixels. If the watermark_size was set to "50%", it would be resized to 400Γ—300 pixels (so just left at its original size).

    For the "min_fit" resize strategy, the watermark is scaled so that the shorter side of the watermark takes up 25% of the corresponding image side. And the other side is scaled according to the aspect ratio of the watermark image. So with our watermark, the height is the shorter side, and 25% of the image size would be 200px. Hence, the watermark would be resized to 267Γ—200 pixels. If the watermark_size was set to "50%", it would be resized to 533Γ—400 pixels (so larger than its original size).

    For the "stretch" resize strategy, the watermark is stretched (meaning, it is resized without keeping its aspect ratio in mind) so that both sides take up 25% of the corresponding image side. Since our image is 800Γ—800 pixels, for a watermark size of 25% the watermark would be resized to 200Γ—200 pixels. Its height would appear stretched, because keeping the aspect ratio in mind it would be resized to 200Γ—150 pixels instead.

    For the "area" resize strategy, the watermark is resized (keeping its aspect ratio in check) so that it covers "xx%" of the image's surface area. The value from watermark_size is used for the percentage area size.

Supplying the watermark via an Assembly Step

You can also pass both the base image file and the watermark image to an Assembly Step via the use parameter, allowing you to have both be part of the upload, or to use the results of other Assembly Steps as input to your πŸ€–/image/resize Step.

For this to work, you just need to use the as-syntax:

"my_image_step": {
  "robot": "/image/resize",
  "use": {
    "steps": [
      { "name": ":original", "as": "base" },
      { "name": "watermark_step", "as": "watermark" }

Here the output of a watermark_step step is used as the watermark whereas the base image is taken from the uploaded files.

If you use several file input fields, then you can tell Transloadit which field supplies the base image and which the watermark. Suppose you have two file input fields named the_image and the_watermark. These Assembly Instructions will make it work using the fields condition:

"my_image_step": {
  "robot": "/image/resize",
  "use": {
    "steps": [
      { "name": ":original", "fields": "the_image", "as": "base" },
      { "name": ":original", "fields": "the_watermark", "as": "watermark" }

Please note that the Robot's watermark_url parameter will still continue to work.

Resize strategies

The examples below show how the resize_strategy impacts resizing a 400Γ—300 pixel image to 100Γ—100 pixels:


Uses the larger side of the original image as a base for the resize. Aspect ratio is preserved. Either side will become at most 100 pixels.

For example: resizing a 400Γ—300 image into 100Γ—100, would produce a 100Γ—75 image.

Original image
Larger side
19 KB β‹… 400Γ—300
Resized image
100Β px
4.6 KB β‹… 100Γ—75


Scales the image to fit into our 100Γ—100 target while preserving aspect ratio, while trimming away any excess surface. This means both sides will become exactly 100 pixels, at the tradeoff of destroying parts of the image.

By default the resulting image is horizontally/vertically centered to fill the target rectangle. Use the gravity parameter to change where to crop the image, such as "bottom" or "left".

Original image
19 KB β‹… 400Γ—300
Resized image
5 KB β‹… 100Γ—100


Uses the smaller side of the original image as a base for the resize. After resizing, the larger side will have a larger value than specified. Aspect ratio is preserved. Either side will become at least 100 pixels.

For example: resizing a 400Γ—300 image into 100Γ—100, would produce a 133Γ—100 image.

Original image
Smaller side
19 KB β‹… 400Γ—300
Resized image
100 px
5.4 KB β‹… 133Γ—100


Scales the image to fit while preserving aspect ratio. Both sides of the resized image become exactly 100 pixels, and any remaining surface is filled with a background color.

In this example, the background color is determined by the Assembly Variable ${file.meta.average_color}. If you set zoom to false (default is true), smaller images will be centered horizontally and vertically, and have the background padding all around them.

Original image
19 KB β‹… 400Γ—300
Resized image
4.7 KB β‹… 100Γ—100


Ignores aspect ratio, resizing the image to the exact width and height specified. This may result in a stretched or distorted image.

Original image
19 KB β‹… 400Γ—300
Resized image
5 KB β‹… 100Γ—100


Cuts an area out of an image, discarding any overlapping parts. If the source image is smaller than the crop frame, it will be zoomed. This strategy is implied when you specify coordinates in the crop parameter, and cannot be used without it.

To crop around human faces, see πŸ€–/image/facedetect instead.

Original image
19 KB β‹… 400Γ—300
Resized image
4.3 KB β‹… 100Γ—100


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